British Unitarian Yvonne Aburrow Has Sent A Love Note To The UUA's Standing On The Side Of Love Website

Yvonne Aburrow's "Love Note" says -

"Love is celebrating diversity"

Well that sure beats celebrating *perversity* as *some* U*Us are wont to do. . . and I don't just mean the sexual perversity of BDSM aka "Bondage & Discipline, Sadism & Masochism" as per Mr. U*U BDSM *the* ravishing Desmond Ravenstone's big fat U*U "crU*Usade" to affirm and promote BDSM as an "alternative spiritual practice" amongst Unitarian*Universalists aka U*Us. No U*Us U*U Worldwide, I mean other forms of *perversity* such as the *perverse* slandering of Creation Day as a cult by Rev. Ray Drennan, Frank Greene, John Inder and other intolerant and abusive "fundamentalist atheist" Humanist U*Us, the *perverse* slandering and libeling of me as "psychotic" or even a "dangerously deranged psycho/sociopath" yadda yadda yadda by Rev. Ray Drennan, the late Reverend Doctor Timothy W. Jensen, and too many other *perverted* U*Us, to say nothing of the ongoing perversion of justice that the Board and congregation of the Unitarian Church of Montreal, as well as the UUA and its very aptly named Ministerial *Fellowship* Committee, are beyond any *reasonable* big fat U*U doubt *guilty* of engaging in in a diversity ways. . . Part and parcel of which is the shameful and ongoing *perverse*, as in "willfully determined or disposed to go counter to what is expected or desired; contrary" and "persistent or obstinate in what is wrong", obstinate willful ignorance of those many DIM Thinking Unitarian*Universalist U*Us who are unquestionably willfully determined or disposed to Deny and/or Ignore and/or Minimize the U*U injustices, abuses and hypocrisy that I have been exposing and denouncing for well over 13 "less than lucky" years now.

Oh dear. . .

It would seem that *some* Unitarian*Universalist U*Us are quite regrettably well and truly guilty of celebrating perversity in a diverity of ways.

You are now hereby graduates of The Emerson Avenger's initial U*U University "track" on "The Diversity Of U*U Perversity". I have reasonable grounds to believe that more will follow.
