You Unitard You Sounds Like An Insult That *Could* Be Inspired By X CU*UC Executive Director Mary Bennett's "Less Than Stellar" U Asterisk U Insult
Once upon a time on a Big Fat U*U Planet, long, long ago. . .
CU*UC Executive Director Mary Bennett said,
"U asterisk U sounds like an insult". . .
Well to be precise, and provide some important Big Fat U*U Context, Mary Bennett *actually* said,
"When I say aloud Unitarian*Universalist or U*U the star is silent, since You, Asterisk You! Sounds like an insult, although You, Star, You! Is a compliment indeed!"

I can't help but wU*Under if Big Fat U*U Fashion Maven Peacebang has an opinion on Unitards?
CU*UC Executive Director Mary Bennett said,
"U asterisk U sounds like an insult". . .
Well to be precise, and provide some important Big Fat U*U Context, Mary Bennett *actually* said,
"When I say aloud Unitarian*Universalist or U*U the star is silent, since You, Asterisk You! Sounds like an insult, although You, Star, You! Is a compliment indeed!"

I can't help but wU*Under if Big Fat U*U Fashion Maven Peacebang has an opinion on Unitards?