Don't Let The Bastards Get You Down. . . Don't Let The Big Fat U*U AssHats Get You Down Either. . .

Well that is more or less what one member of the American public told me in a private "electronic communication" in response to my bringing the Robin Edgar Sucks blog to his attention yesterday.

The exact quote was -

"Don't let the asshats get you down."

I just exercised my "artistic licence" by adding my now pretty much obligatory "Big Fat U*U" prefix before the word "asshats".

Here is what else he said in an "electronic communcation" in a more public internet forum -

A cyber bully stalker, proclaiming that Robin Edgar, is a cyberbully stalker. I would like to state, that I have been an online friend of Robin Edgar for a very long time now, and I would say I have never seen this person be a "cyberbully" and I know that I for one have never been "cyberstalked" by Robin Edgar. I think the anonymous asshat that started this website should really shit his or her knickers if Robin Edgar decides to go after them in a legal way.

Long live free speech, keep the faith Robin Edgar!


end quote

I must say that I think that this StumbleUpon review of the Robin Edgar Sucks blog is really quite AWESOME! too.

No doubt it appeals to my much vaunted* narcissism. :-)

AWESOME! I wish I had my own hate page, but then not everyone can be as smart and insightful as RE. Gratz to Robin Edgar for this tribute. I bow before his greatness!

* Much vaunted by hypocritical U*U AssHats like the cowardly anonymous writer(s) of the Robin Edgar Sucks blog that is. . .
