Like It Or Not U*Us The Personal Digital Connection Will Be The Dominant Medium For The Near And Foreseeable Future. . .

And knowing how to use it well is important.

But don't take my word for it U*Us.

Take U*U minister and blogger Rev. W. Frederick Wooden's word for it as most serendipitously, if not quite synchronicity*cally, posted to his 'I'm Curious...' blog post on his Aside From The Obvious blog.

Here is the comment that I just submitted to Rev. Fred Wooden's moderated U*U blog. It will be quite interesting to see if he uses it -

"Like it or not, the personal digital connection will be the dominant medium for the near and foreseeable future and knowing how to use it well is important."

Indeed it is Fred, and I like to think that I put that "dominant medium" to good use, to say nothing of bad U*Us. . . *reasonably* well. :-)

Speaking of "the dominant medium" how much do you know about U*U "dom" aka "medium? dominant" the ravishing Desmond Ravenstone? Did you know that there is a U*U BDSM Yahoo! Group that has been in existence for no less than nine years now and apparently has 82 not so brand-spanking new members? Gotta love that interconnected and interdependent interweb of all virtual existence eh?


My web stats show no spiking for Sunday and Monday. My guess is that people check in on your blog on Sunday looking for an online sermon and some do so a day late on their work computers. . .

end quote

Speaking of personal digital connections and all, I must get around to once again reminding U*Us what a Trudeau Salute is. :-)
