Is Desmond Ravenstone aka Mr. U*U BDSM Full Of Shit Or What U*Us?

U*U "dom" aka U*U dominant aka deeply insecure U*U "flaky asshole" Desmond Ravenstone is *pretending* in a follow-up comment presenting his lame excuse for censoring and suppressing one of my legitimate comments to this post on his Ravenstone's Reflections blog that I have "decided to include malicious vitriol in (my) remarks". Here is the full text of the comment aka "remarks" that Mr. U*U BDSM Desmond Ravenstone has ever so dominantly decided to censor and suppress. I leave it up to U*Us to enter into a free and *responsible* search for the truth and meaning of what I said and decide if it *really* includes "malicious vitriol". . .

I have provided people with very specific evidence of *some* of my accusations on The Emerson Avenger blog and elsewhere on the internet Desmond. Seek and ye shall find.

The UUA is every bit as adept at covering up and hiding individual cases of clergy misconduct as other denominations are Desmond. The very reason U*Us hear so little about specific cases of clergy misconduct is because the UUA does a good job of suppressing those who would speak out about it. . . Too be honest I don't think that a BDSM dom who allegedly goes around cracking his bullwhip in the Arlington Street Church is the best person to be sharing his concerns about clergy sexual misconduct. *Real* Bondage & Domination, if not outright Sadism. . . gets "less than excellent" U*U ministers thrown into jail for a few years and belatedly being defellowshipped by the UUA's very aptly named Ministerial *Fellowship* Committee months after they have been convicted of raping teenage Tibetan girls.

Here is my "less than polite" response to U*U "dom" Desmond Ravenstone's *complicit* attempt to cover up and hide well documented egregious U*U clergy sexual misconduct -

To quote the "dom" of the Bush administration. . .

Go fuck yourself Desmond.
